Why does weclapp adjust prices?
Historically, there has never been a price adjustment for existing customers and this has been the case since weclapp was founded 14 years ago. We have developed many new features during this time and made them available free of charge. The investments we continuously make in our platform, product and service enable weclapp users to master their daily business processes as efficiently as possible.
Also in the future, continuous product development and first-class service will be a high priority for us.
Can I change the weclapp package?
The customer can order additional licenses at any time. For these additional licenses a new minimum term starts. The customer can upgrade or downgrade the software package at any time. An upgrade takes effect immediately, whereby a new term for the licenses begins. A downgrade, on the other hand, takes place after the initial term of the contract has expired.
What happens to my contracts if I make use of the right to object?
If the weclapp customer makes use of his right of objection, the price adjustment will not come into effect at the announced time. weclapp, however, reserves the right to terminate the contract at the next possible date.